PIDS Conference – 2023 Program

Case Study VFX

The Yard
The Gray Man – Anthony & Joe Russo (Original Netflix)
Speakers : Harry Bardak (VFX Sup.), Laurens Ehrmann (Sr. VFX Sup.)

AIOLI + Bad Clay Studios
Furies by Veronica Ngo (Netflix Original)
Glitch – hong jihyo & heo bora (série TV Netflix)
Speakers : Thierry N’Guyen (VFX Sup.)

The Serpent Queen, créée par Justin Haythe (série TV Starz)
Speakers: Bastien Chauvet (VFX Sup.), Charles Farkas (Compositing Sup.), Perig Guilleron (VFX coordinator)

Raised by Wolves S2, créée Aaron Guzikowski (série TV HBO Max)
Speakers : Dominique Vidal (VFX Sup.)


Meetings – Round tables


Parcours Sup.
How do you become a supervisor on international productions? What training? How to make the right strategic choices to put your career on the right track? Roxane Fechner and Bastien Chauvet return on this occasion to their respective professional careers.
Speakers : Bastien Chauvet (MPC, VFX Sup), Roxane Fechner (Le Canard à Trois Pattes, VFX Sup. & Producer)

SFX / MFX / VFX: invisible links
Intervenants: Fabian Nowak (Head of FX, The Yard), Olivier Afonso (CLSFX / Atelier 69), Eric De Wulf (Wulf FX) – Modératrice: Réjane Vallée (Professeure des universités, Université d’Evry Paris Saclay)

VFX – Post-prod : The conditions for a successful collaboration
Speakers Laurent Fumeron (CEO, IIW Studio), Natacha Thomas (Studio manager, IIW Studio), Nicolas Chalon (CTO, IIW Studio)


Art direction, Look Dev & VFX
Vesper Chronicles– Kristina Buozyte & Bruno Samper (long métrage)
Speakers : Bruno Samper (Réalisateur), Yann Blondel (VFX Sup., Excuse My French), Alexis Perrin (Producteur, Rumble Fish)

Concept art
Before the film – The art of visualization
Speakers : Eric Gandois ( artiste Storyboarder), Virginie Bourdin (Concept artist, The Art of Direction)

Focus Vietnam
France-Vietnam : quels partenariats possibles ?
Regards croisés entre l’industrie française et vietnamienne des VFX (formation ; les axes de coopération possibles…) dans un contexte de forte croissance de la production audiovisuelle en Asie du Sud-Est et au Vietnam en particulier.
Rencontre organisée avec le soutien de l’Institut Français du Vietnam dans le cadre du 50ème anniversaire des relations diplomatiques entre la France et le Vietnam
Speakers : Tan Hoang (CEO, VTC Academy), Dung Dinh Tri (MAAC Academy; Chairman of VAVA (Vietnam Animation & VFX Association), Thierry N’Guyen (VFX Sup., Bad Clay Studio), Hoang Quan Nguyen (Founder & CEO, Production Q), Olivier Emery (Co-président, France VFX)



Presentation of the figures of the sector
With CNC, Audiens, FICAM and France VFX

The new challenges of French studios in the face of strong growth in activity
Project management, Company development, Talent management and recruitment, Eco-production



Cloud computing – Ranch Computing
Feedback on the virtualization of high-performance Dual-EPYC Genoa 96-core servers
How do rendering and simulation software behave on highly multi-core virtual machines? To answer this question, Ranch Computing conducted a series of tests across different virtualization configurations. Ranch Computing presents the results of these experiments at the PIDS Enghien.
Speakers : Christophe Bicchierai (Render expert senior, Ranch Computing), Laurent Dijoux (IT Architect)

Virtual production – Dark Matters
(Virtual) Production : When innovation frees creation
Speakers : Romain Cheminade (Founder & CEO), Isaac Partouche (VP Virtual Production)

Animation & Robotics – Enchanted Tools
Enchant robotics with animation
Speakers: Jérôme Monceaux (Founder & CEO, Enchanted Tools), Umaru Emballo (Creative director, SPooN), Cyril Le Pesant (Head of Animation & Family, Gaumont Animation)
